As every january, "wardrobe" is chosen as the monthly theme on EGL. I am sure most of you know this. I already joined in years 2011 and 2012 (also with casual wardrobe post) on our czech comm web. Last year I somehow missed it, I was moving in my new apartment and had no time for puting all my clothes out of the wardrobe, when I was happy that I finally put it in. :D
Today I am here to show you what survive all my clean outs. I got quite picky last years and if the item did not fit perfectly (I feed up haha) or is bad sewn I don´t want to own it, even if it look great on photos.
Old blue OP, handmade by Proxima
I like this dress very much because they are super comfy. I wear them a lot even out of lolita just in some otome kei-ish style without petti.
Cherubin JSK form Lady Sloth
My only "painting print" dress. I wish I can get more of those... They also look good without petti and have quite "muggle" feeling so I would not be afraid to use them as an evening dress good for theatre.
Romantic Rose JSK long version from Innocent World
My latest baby! I was finally lucky enough to get long version dress from IW... and it was the best purchase I ever did. It fit me absolutely perfect. :)
Innocent world JSK, that I was never able to find it's actual name... it's not on Hello Lace or Lolibrary, but people call it just Angel Rose JSK, because of the print... it's propably kinda old like from 2005 or something. I love this dress even if they are super short on me to be a proper lolita lenght. I also wear them without petti like a casual dress...
Puppy skirt long version from Innocent World
My first real brand item, I am first owner. I bought it in sales, because I love dachshunds! I didn't wear it at least a year but I still like it very much and I don't want to put it away. This is my only sweet item in wardrobe.
Antique pink rose skirt from Ophelia without eye (now Rabbit Heart)
This one is one of my first lolita items and it survived all my clean outs. I already have it over five years and it still look very pretty. It also had an accident, when my brother put on in some shirt wet from bleach by mistake, so the skirt had some quite big white spots on. Now they are covered with two ribbons on side and still looking nice.
High wais skirt from Bodyline
I fall in love with this skirt because of Zeruda. I love the colours and I it took me a long time to bought it, because when I wanted it, they did not sell it on BL web. But I was lucky enough to buy it on comm_sales. About a month after I got it, BL did a restock of this skirt... I was pretty upset. :D
Japanese garden skirt from Danielle
What shoud I say... it's a gorgeous fabric! I don't even have anything else in green colour in my wardrobe, just this epic...
Black skirt from Ophelia without eye (now Rabbit Heart)
Solid colour skirt. Need of every lolita. I need this skirt in navy, bordeaux and cream colors too. I hope I can manage to buy at least some of them this year... It look great with corset, you can use it under your way too short dress to make it look longer and also nicer... need more!
Rose skirt from Bodyline
I have this skirt for quite long time. I wanted to sell it several times but it will not get me much money so I still keep it myself. :D
My blouses. I hate most of them because they are not comfy or they are crumpled all the time, etc... :D Most of them are second hand finds with really no brand name... I have some from Pimkie, from Quelle (that not exist anymore) and one from Anna House.
Monster A-shape petticoat from Danielle
White small poof A-shape petticoat from Porcelain Doll
Bunch of bloomers from Porcelain Doll, Metamorphose and handmade by my friends Maxé and rouwi.
And that's pretty much it. Everything I have that I consider being lolita items. :)
All my accessories will be shown in another post, because I have tons of it and this post is already long enough. I have to photo some of my headpieces first...
Also I took photos of my causal dresses and skirts so yay I have a lot of material. :)
See you next time. :)
Máš šatník plných naprosto nádherných kousků, upřímně ani nevím, co se mi líbí nejvíce, protože se mi líbí snad všechno. Neskutečně obdivuji tolik kusů halenek a bloomers! Tomu se říká vyvážený šatník :)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju, jsou to vážně velmi podrobně vyselektované kusy :D
VymazatAle ty halenky jsou děsný nějčastěji k lolitě nosím takový ta basic trika a roláky protože ty halenky jsou příšerný, většina se dá nosit jenom pod šaty aby se skryly závady a tak... :D
A ty bloomersky se prostě nějak časem nastřádaly... Jeden z důvodů pro č se mi nechce kupovat LP z Mety, páč by tam zase byly další :D a kdo by kupoval burando spodky :D
Máš nádherný šatník plný úžasných věcí! ❤ Angel Rose JSK je překrásná x)
OdpovědětVymazatDěkuju :)
VymazatNádherný šatník! Moc se mi líbí Innocent world JSK s růžemi a andílky. <3
OdpovědětVymazatTaky hrozně ráda projíždím cizí wardrobe posty. No a těším se na další s doplňkama, vždycky když vidím, že jich má někdo stejně jako já, nebo dokonce více, tak si nepřipadám jako takovej magor :-D
OdpovědětVymazatTy přijdou na na řadu asi jako poslední... sice jich mám většinu již nafocenou ale věci do hlavy jsem nafotila na "stojánku" a vůbec to nevynikne tak bych to chtěla přefotit... i když nevím jestli bude kdy... :D