I would like to share some of my thoughts about IW Tea Party that was last Saturday (12.10.) in Vienna. :)
I have too many feelings about this party, so I am going to write my post in different way this time. I would write a whole book about it so I rather summarize it in some short messages. And it will be a long post anyway. :D
- I was lucky enough that czech brand Classy Lady invited me to be her shopgirl at the event. Otherwise I would never get enough money to participate.
- I was nervous about my outfit not being good enough and I changed the whole look many times before I was fully satisfied.
- On Saturday I have to get up early (at 7:00), because we had to arrive to Vienna before 11:00 and prepared our stall.
- In Austria they have fields with pumkins. I was amazed, because I never saw them before... :)
- When we arrived to Vienna we saw lolitas all around. It was awesome! This is how it would look like when lolita fashion become mainsteam. No regrets really... :D
- At hotel Stefanie we met some girls from organization team. They all were very nice and helpful. We have to wait few minutes before the main room was opened for us, so we talked for a while with Pierrette from Porcelain Doll. :)
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Pet-chan and Classy Lady |
- After 11:00 all the organization relocate to main room. Everyone was either building stalls or organize the room and preparing fashion show.
- Innocent World had a lot of dresses, coats, some bags and socks and other accessories to sell. Of course I wanted to take a closer look. All of the prints were really amazing and the fabric was very very soft. I never saw such fabric before. (but I did not have the opportunity to touch many brand items :D)
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Chaos before the start. (Freitagsgass1 98617Meinungen www.MeFotografie.com) |
- At 13:00 the Tea Party started for VIP guests. Almost all of them went straight to Innocent World stall and bought a lot of things. Almost all the bags and many dresses vere sold after that. The prices was like those on web but without shipping and customs it was great deal.
- At 14:00 the rest ot guests were let in.
- Everyone looked gorgeous! And I didn't feel underdressed! Win for me yay! :D
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My outfit and extra bad light :D Sadly I do not have other photo of full outfit. (and I wouldn´t wear the socks next time, they are too flashy...) |
- I never saw so many brand items and very well dressed lolitas in one place. *_*
- Almost everyone was wearing Innocent World but I saw also some AP, AatP, Baby, Mary Magdalene and even Bodyline. I saw many many many amazing headpieces, most of them was flowers but also pretty hats and even some deer antlers, books or porcelain cups. *_*
- Here are some links to photo galleries:
- I love classic lolita aesthetics so I was like in lolita heaven... :D
- At 15:00 the fashion show started. It was lovely and well moderate in great english by one of the organization team member Dagmar. We can saw some designs for the first time! And all the dresses were for sale after the fashion show. Please take a look here:
- At 15:30 Lolita KompleX unplugged started. Sadly I didn't hear them very well at the stall but I saw some fans to really enjoy the mini concert. :)
- At 16:00 started Q&A with the main guest Yumi Fujiwara. Once again I did not hear everything but I heared that she is too shy to make friends and that she visited Czechia before. :) You can read everything here (in german, but it's quite easy to translate it with only begginers knowledge): Innocent World Tea Party in Wien: Q&A
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Me with Ms. Fujiwara. :) She is quite tall :) |
- It sounds like there were like at least 50 prices for the raffle. We heard only "and the next one" around and around. :D Ms Fujiwara then picked three lolitas with great outfits... It was really hard because everyone had great outfits, so I guess she picked them by circumstance. I don´t even know what they got for a price...
- I got several compliments about how my hair (well a wig) is styled. :)
- We sold some dresses and skirts. But our model range was specialized for czech market (simple and cheap) so it did not sell very well in Vienna, where is totally different inquiry. Our bad, we should predicted it... Classy Lady will now work on a change in her assortment to be more tempting for international customers. Lot of original "prints"! Stay tuned! :)
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At the stall and true colours of my outfit! :) (Freitagsgass1 98617Meinungen www.MeFotografie.com) |
- At 18:00 was the end but nobody wanted to leave... :D
- Also it was the first time I saw Lady Sloth´s owner. I own one of her cherubin JSK and I think she have great items. She was nice and everything but she perhaps is not interested in lolita fashion the other way than bussiness. I think it´s perfectly fine, but when Ms Fujiwara came to her stall and wanted to buy (and bought at the end) one of her chiffon blouse with note lace, I would definitely take at least a photo of her. It would be a great advertising. I myself would feel honored, that someone like main designer of well known japanese brand like my goods so much, that she actually buy it. (when she can easily bought very similar one in Japan or design her own) EDIT: I missed the message about Lady Sloth´s cousine attending instead of her. It all makes sense now. :D
- There was 50% off sale at the very end at IW stall, they really didn´t want to take anything back to Japan. :D
- We were asked several times by Dagmar or Duplica if we have everything, we needed and if the party was okay for us. They really took care. :)
- Unluckily I got a terrible headache in the end but I survived the drive back to our "hotel" in Czechia.
I would like to thank austrian and german lolitas that they decide to host this party. It was the best lolita event I ever attended. And I wish I can come back to Vienna for some other event soon. :)
Super report <3
OdpovědětVymazatAch jo......................nemusím ani popisovat jak moc mě pořád ještě mrzí, že mi ten lístek utekl -_- už jsme měli i vybranej hotel !!! T__T
no nic...ale to jsem chtěla říct - že Lady Sloth psala na FB, že tam nebyla, že to byla její sestřenice nebo co, protože ona nemohla dojet...takže proto asi neměla moc zájem že si od ní koupila halenku paní Fujiwara =D
Tak doufám, že to není poslední akce... a ty máš v Německu mnohem lepší příležitost se k něčemu takovému podobnému přichomítnout spíš než já :D
VymazatTo s tou sestřenicí jsem nějak nezaregistrovala, tak Lady Sloth napíšu na FB snad bude mít radost.. :)
Duplica is writing here :) Thank you so much for so much feedback! It is great to hear that you enjoyed it so much!
OdpovědětVymazatand yes, i can confirm that the girl of the Lady Sloth stand was her cousin Luiza. Thanks to her she helped us so that she was able to prepare a stand. I also think this is a honor that Fujiwara-san bougth something from her. I didn't even know!
Aha! I missed that message, so I thought that it was Lady Sloth. I am going to write her on FB, she may not know it. :)
Vymazatbtw. the best outfit winner prizes were a necklace, a beret and a bag from IW
OdpovědětVymazatI really liked your outfit :) I saw it at the Teaparty and thought you looked gorgeous. All that thinking about it and being stressed payed off in the end!
OdpovědětVymazatI think your collection was cute, but being a plus-size lolita myself I wouldn't have fit into anything. I wish the Classy Lady brand good luck in expanding and getting more international customers! :)
Thank you very much! :)
VymazatI remember you :) You looked great! Hope you liked Vienna :3
OdpovědětVymazatI will follow you - you have such a nice blog! ^^
Thank you! It was the second time I was in Vienna and I hope it was not the last time. It´s really beautifull city. :)
VymazatI like your outfit, it is very nice and suits you well. Thank you for the report, I did not know about the event., now I wish had followed all the news on the web, haha. Although I do wear usually lolita inspired clothes or mix it with other styles, I think I would enjoy it. It must have been very inspiring to meet so many greatly dressed ladies and to see the fashion show (now I am really jealous of you! :D ). Now I am going to watch the fashion show few times again.
OdpovědětVymazatIt was very inspiring. I want to wear lolita fashion much more again. :)
VymazatDagmar writing here - I'm so glad you enjoyed the event! :D You looked wonderful and I'm really happy you felt taken care of - in the beginning we were a bit worried that we had to make you wait for a bit before being able to enter the room ^^
OdpovědětVymazatAnd thank you for your feedback on the fashion show, too! :D
Hello Venea,
OdpovědětVymazatI'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to WhaIWear.com. With 1,5 million page views a month, WhatIWear.com is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.
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