22. 4. 2013

My living after four months

Hello my readers!
Today I have for you another personal information. 
My mother asked me to take photos of our flat, so she can show it everywhere, so I decided to do the same with my photos and place them here.
Dining room and part of living room...
 once again... you can see some of the last muffins I baked on Sunday on the table :)
(I made 45 of them... and there is only 7 of them now... just in case you're interested :D)

Living room and our old TV without TV... actually we use it only like a big monitor...  
aaand absolutely crazy placed eletric outlet...

Kitchen... little bit messy sorry ^_^''''

here in this little cabinet is our spence and on it you can I am already ready for our new birds :)
 hall... :D
 Our bedroom where half of stuff is from ikea and the other half is vintage furniture, that used to be my grand-aunt's and before her my great-grandmother's :)
here it is :)
As you can see I still have some space for books! Yay!

 and my photo corner :)

 There is still a lot of work to do and lot of things have to be bought like new couch for living room and new wardrobes for bedroom, also new lamps, new veiling etc., etc. 
But I think we already did a great job and I like my new home very much. :)

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