9. 9. 2014

I am more alive than I´ve ever been.

After a long long time I am back! I have so much news for you that I don´t even know where to start.... well... from the most important one maybe... :)

Exactly one month ago was my wedding day. That means I am a wife for a whole month. It is still pretty new even if nothing actually change but my name. I still feel more like teenage girl and not like a grown up women, who plans to have kids in few years. 

I decided that I would like to share some photos from the wedding.
It was beautiful day. The weather was awesome and I am more than happy that most of my friends and family members can be there with us and have a lot of fun. :)

Freshly made hairstyle with flowers.  
This is it! 
Our simple rings
Funny pose :D 
First dance :)

I was planing that day little more than a half of year and it was gone so fast. If I ever meet Doctor I definitely want to go back to that day and be guest on my own wedding, so I can enjoy it once more time. :)

And how was your summer?

5 komentářů:

  1. Your wedding photos and your wedding dress are just beautiful.

    1. Thank you!
      My dress mady my cousin, who have a indie lolita brand Classy Lady :)

  2. Gratuluju :)) Nadherne saty, konecne nekdo, kdo nevypada jako polarkovy dort, jeste ty kvetiny ve vlasech... Krasa, opravdu krasa :)

    Můj blog~


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