Last of my wardrobe posts is finally here!
First of all I want to tell you that the items you´ll see here are not all of my accesories, but most of it... some of the smaller items like earings and such I just forget that I have them in other places and didn´t take photo of them. Also I decided to not photograph my shoes, hats, gloves and purses etc... because I am too lazy and I don´t have anything special to show. :D
I will try to write from where all the items are but there is really a lot of items, so if you want to know this about some concrete item ask me please.
Amber, handmade by KK, bought in Vienna, handmade by me
Claires, Elektra, Lindex, Rabbit heart, handmade by KK, Porcelain doll, Bodyline
Rabbit Heart, HM, Gate, Bijou Brigitte
Gifts, Emerald Dream, Kik, Etsy, Fler, claires, handmade
Elektra, handmade by Ketmara, by KK, by Clover, by rouwi
Gifts, New Yorker, Emerald Dream, claires, Metamorphose, Six
Gifts, Six, handmade (not by me :D), Emerald Dream, Madame Muffin, Porcelain doll, Fler, Etsy, claires
claires, Six, Gate, Kik
Elektra, claires, HM, Six, Porcelain doll, Dracula Clothing
Riwwa, Orsay, New Yorker, second hand
Destniky.cz, Taobao
Tadaah and that´s pretty much it. My quest is done. :D
Next time some outfits. :)
Máš takovou spoustu nádherných doplňků..hlavně ty květiny do vlasů nemají chybu ♥ Opravdu krása.
OdpovědětVymazatTvoje doplňky jsou nádherné! Miluji květinové čelenky a věnečky x3
OdpovědětVymazatWow ty toho máš,to je nádhera!! ^^
OdpovědětVymazatMoc pěkná sbírka. :)